Abigail E Shaw


This portfolio was written in accordance with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) and submitted as my application for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy in February 2020.

As a Learning Technologist, my role is predominantly supportive, providing specialist knowledge of the intersection between good pedagogical practice and technology used in teaching, learning and assessment. I work as part of the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Team, developing, designing, maintaining, and training academic and professional staff, as well as students, in educational technology. I provide support and advice on strategic use of digital teaching, learning and assessment to "use technology innovatively to intensify teaching and learning" (St. Mary's Vision 2025) (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5).

I began working at St. Mary's in 2017 as a Library Advisor, providing first line technical support to students, and dealing with day-to-day Library inquiries, which gave me an excellent overview of common student concerns across the whole university, as well as the opportunity to observe and support students throughout the academic year, whether undergraduate, postgraduate, domestic or international, on-site or remote. I moved into the TEL Team in February 2018, which allowed me to make the most of my background in IT Support and develop my increasing interest in building digital confidence in learners by working with both systems and people, researching, observing and reviewing the work of my peers, and by cultivating good practice wherever I found it (A2, A4, K1, K3, K4, V1, V2, V3, V4).

Prior to my time at St. Mary's, my background includes over twenty years in online retail and web design, extremely useful for informing my understanding of how people engage with evolving digital spaces and methods of communication (K3, V1, V3).

I also worked for several years in technical support for a multinational IT consultancy company, and for the National Trust in a variety of roles, giving me an unusual combination of experiences in projects, process and management, which continue to be useful throughout my current role (for example, extensive experience with the ways in which people react to instructions, whether those are "please turn your computer off and on again", or "mind the step!") (A4, K1, K4, V1, V2).

The combination of my background and my experience working in higher education has helped me understand that supporting students is to encompass the full range of human possibility in both the broadest sense, and the most singular: mandatory use of technology can bring out anyone's most vulnerable side, and so I try to be compassionate, positive and proactive in the pursuit of enhancing learning with (and occasionally in spite of) technology (A4, K3, V3).

Creating this portfolio, compiling my CPD and Higher Education/Learning Technology community engagement to date, and seeing how my role and experience has evolved since achieving my Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy in June 2018 has provided me with an excellent opportunity to consider and quantify my professional progress, and I look forward to seeing where working to takes me next (A5, V3, V4). I have endeavored to present evidence of all five Areas of Activity, to demonstrate all six areas of Core Knowledge, and to embody all four Professional Values, considering my application in light of Descriptor 2i-vi: requirements for Fellow of the HEA.